Meet Moringa

      Moringa Health!

This remarkable tree has countless health benefits:

It improves immunity, improves blood stream, maintains blood sugar level, has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-aging properties, strengthens mental health, increases energy etc. It also contains anti-cancer compounds which prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading, these compounds are especially effective in against cancer. Moringa will cleanse your liver as well. An interesting fact is that when this tree’s seeds crack, they cleanse polluted water. It has been proven that they reduce water’s blurry state and cleans it from bacteria and clay.

Moringa’s primary health benefits are “hidden” in its leaves’ nutrient value. In one dose of this tree’s leaves you will find:

  • 125% of the daily dose of calcium
  • 61% of daily dose of magnesium
  • 41% of daily dose of potassium
  • 71% of daily dose of iron
  • 272% of daily dose of vitamin А
  • 22% of daily dose of vitamin C

There is no other “super food” on the planet with this kind of supply. Moringa is completely healthy product that not only provides nutrients, but also improves the overall health.

Young fruits of this tree are highly valued. They can be eaten raw or be prepared the same as green beans or peas. Fully grown fruits, on the other hand, are eaten fried and taste like peanuts. The fruits have about 40% of oil ingredients which are used to produce cooking oil, also known as Ben oil, which is very similar to olive oil. The leaves are used as vegetables in salads. Moringa’s fruit’s peel can be used as a sunscreen lotion and the flowers, which are rich in potassium and calcium, can be used as foods.

It can grow from 10 to 15 meters in height and in good environment it can live up to 20 years. People who grow this tree cut only 1, 5 meters of tree’s branches in order to collect its leaves and fruits. All parts of this tree are edible and have healing properties, including the leaves, flowers, root and seeds. This tree was used as a healing herb for the first time 1000 years ago. The proof of this, however, was discovered in the end of 1940. Indian scientists indentified Moringa’s active ingredient which has antibacterial properties.

Here are some of its amazing properties as shown in the world’s leading health and medical journals:

Moringa blocks cancer cells by protecting them from the damaging effects of powerful chemical toxins. [i]


Moringa is used to benefit the health of people challenged by ulcerative colitis. [ii]


“Results show that a combination of M. oleifera root extracts with C. sinensis fruit rind extract is effective in the treatment of UC and results are comparable with the standard drug prednisolone.” Moringa protects the liver against chemical toxins so it functions optimally.[iii]


Moringa also restores antioxidant activity to the liver by preventing early injury. [iv]


Protects against experimental diabetes.  “In conclusion, M. oleifera exerts protective effects against STZ-induced diabetes. The MOMtE exhibited significant anti-diabetic and antioxidant activity and active constituents may be isolated from the extract for evaluation in future clinical studies.” [v]


“These findings support the traditional usage of M. oleifera extracts for wound healing”. [vi]



Nutritional Data

Meet Moringa

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Health Benefits of Moringa (abridged)
